Our company
Since its inception, Innolasers is committed to bringing high quality laser products at affordable prices to the professional and hobbyist laser community. Our promise is to keep your best interest in mind by offering powerful, flexible solutions with leading edge features. We are a leader in laser technology innovation with a suite of interactive software and advanced hardware to suit your needs. We lead the pack in laser show interactivity, flexibility, and driver miniaturization. Have questions? Feel free to contact us to inquire about your unique needs.
Our team
Our team is composed of a diverse group of engineers and artistic designers working to advance the field of laser display. While not all housed under one roof, our team has excelled in delivering cutting edge technology via a passion for excellence and love of the Art.
Drlava - engineer and technologist specializing in analog design, software design, and human interface
J4cb0 - engineer specializing in hardware and embedded design
Swamidog - unmarried computer programmer and ILDA award winning laser show designer
Cmb - budding physicist specializing in script-fu and LSX expression wizardry
Ihor - embedded development engineer specializing in control hardware
xxx - chief marketer and strategist (sign up now :)
dzodzo- chief user-manual maintainer specializing in being cool
Location Information
Innolasers is located in wet and wild Portland, Oregon
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